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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Outsource Your Content Marketing

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Outsource Your Content Marketing

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” While this advice can work out nicely for your personal life, it might not be the best mantra for business. It’s a very scary feeling to let go of the reins on certain tasks that you’ve always been responsible for. But if you put trust in the right people to get the job done, you might just find that the end product turns out better than if you did it yourself.

Content creation is often something that gets pushed to the side or put off until later by people who are busy with the normal day to day of their jobs. We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be a lingering burden on you and your team members and that it’s OK to ask for help.

It’s understandable to be nervous about outsourcing your content creation. If the content creators have never worked at your company, how will they know what to say? How will the writing sound like the members of your team if the person writing has never even met them? These are all normal hesitations about outsourcing content that companies face all the time, but here are three reasons why it’s worth taking a leap of faith and hiring someone to do your content marketing.

Your Outsourced Team Is A Dedicated Team

There can be huge benefits to using members of your current team to create your content. They're easily accessible, they know the ins and outs of your business, they're there every day, and they have a good idea of the culture and feel of your company. Those are all great reasons to use people within your organization for content creation, but there's just one problem — they have other things to do.

What if we told you that you can still get content that is completely tailored to your company, keeps all of your goals in mind, and actually sounds like you through an outside source that is equally as dedicated to your company as your full-time employees? You might not believe it at first, but it’s true.

The people you hire for content creation should be all-in on making the absolute best content for your company. It's their job, after all, and so is doing the research and applying their knowledge of content marketing and how it can help you meet your needs and goals. At Influence & Co., we match our clients up with a team of content experts that consists of:

  • An account strategist
  • A content strategist
  • An editor
  • A managing editor

It’s never a toss-up as to who is going to write a piece of content for a certain client. It’s always the same team of people, who have all done their research and maintain contact with that client to provide the best work possible. Beyond being dedicated to your company, your outsourced content team is dedicated to one specific thing: creating great content on your behalf.

In our experience, clients are pleasantly surprised by how accurately their voice and tone can be adopted by the content creators working with them. That’s because outsourced content marketing teams take the time to ask the important questions, take detailed notes, and research the company and industry they’re writing for. In the end, the content that is published and shared shows dedication not only to the client’s company, but to its specific and measurable marketing goals.

Time Is Money

If you or your team members aren’t accustomed to creating high-quality content regularly, getting a few blog posts or a monthly newsletter out can start to seem like a daunting prospect. And when you have a lot on your plate at work, these tasks may not seem like the best use of your time and energy.

As a team of content marketers, we can truly say that content marketing is a full-time job. It’d be nice to think that some trusted members of your team could carve time out of their day to work on email campaigns or a downloadable whitepaper, but if those people are already being held responsible for a ton of other stuff, content creation is going to get pushed to the back burner. Or the content they create isn't going to be of the quality necessary to be effective. That's just a waste of your people's time and, frankly, their salaries.

Freeing up valuable members of your team and giving them more time to work on what they do best is critical to the success of your company. Outsourced content creators are willing and able to take content creation and strategy off of your team members' plates and give it their absolute all.

It’s All Going to Be OK

If you’ve considered giving content marketing a shot but hesitated because you’re not quite comfortable with the idea of outsourcing, we’re here to tell you that it’s all going to be OK. Your company is successful because you’re an expert in your industry, not an expert in content creation. The more you spread yourself thin, the less successful you will be.

Content marketing is a proven way to generate leads, boost SEO, and demonstrate thought leadership, so it's no wonder you want in. By using an outsourced team to create the content, you're not giving up control — you're empowering yourself and your team to focus on what you do best and leaving content to a trusted expert.

If you're looking for a trusted content creation partner, look no further! Set up a call with one of our team members to learn how we can help you create content that meets your goals.

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Picture of Lauren Morrow

About Lauren Morrow

Newsrooms don’t have craft beer, chalkboard walls, and ping-pong tables, so I switched from journalism to marketing. I stayed because I truly believe that every company has a unique story and that content marketing is the most authentic way to use it for good.


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